At Xperi, our team is dedicated to inventing, developing and delivering technologies that create extraordinary experiences at home, on the go, and in the connected car for millions of people around the world. We regularly evaluate content and how audiences connect with it so the consumer experience is more intelligent, immersive and personal.
We brought this same ethos to creating our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) program. We know that the world is changing, and that our success depends on our ability to adapt to these changes effectively. That’s why we work to understand and address our ESG risks with flexibility, transparency, and accountability.
This ESG statement has been approved by Xperi’s ESG Steering Committee and Board of Directors.
Our annual ESG report is available to all Xperi stakeholders and is publicly available on our website.
Our Commitments
- We will operate our business in compliance with environmental laws, regulations, and other obligations. We will work to limit pollution in our operations, promote sustainability in our office spaces, and reduce our resource consumption wherever possible. We will hold our suppliers to the same standard.
- We will communicate our environmental impact, achievements, and progress to our employees and other stakeholders regularly, while encouraging them to take responsibility for protecting the environment through awareness building and other activities.
- We will seek feedback from our stakeholders to ensure we are addressing the environmental topics that are most pressing to our organization.
Our Commitments in Action
- We measure and report on our Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions annually. Our first greenhouse gas inventory will be available in our 2022 ESG Report, available on our external website.
- We practice pollution prevention and resource reduction by purchasing recycled and compostable resources and supplies.
- We encourage recycling efforts for solid waste, and have a systematic approach to its reduction and disposal.
- Where relevant, we have policies and procedures in place to ensure safe handling, movement, storage, use, recycling, or reuse and disposal of hazardous substances.
- Our employees are encouraged to use pollution-minimizing transportation alternatives when possible, including carpooling and telecommuting.
- We offer car charging stations for employee use at our facilities without easy access to public transportation.
- Volatile air emissions generated by operations are routinely monitored and controlled in accordance with Air Quality Management requirements.
- Water usage is monitored and managed at many of our offices with a focus on water conservation efforts.
- We have made minimizing energy consumption a priority, including implementing the California State HVAC Energy Optimization Program in relevant offices, developing and optimizing lighting and HVAC schedules, and replacing lighting with LED alternatives or outfitting new premises with LED lighting.
- We seek to lease buildings with sustainability certifications wherever possible, and as of October 2022 we occupy a total of 7 buildings with LEED Certification.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion are important to Xperi. We are dedicated to creating a workplace where all employees have a voice and sense of belonging, feel safe and valued, and are acknowledged for how their unique differences contribute to organizational culture and business outcomes. Xperi consistently looks at the impact it has on its employees, local communities, and society.
- Xperi is committed to and complies with the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), formerly the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), Code of Conduct. This means that we commit to ensuring that working conditions in our supply chain are safe, that our workers are treated fairly, and that our business operations are environmentally responsible and conducted ethically. Further details of the RBA Code of Conduct can be found at: https://www.responsiblebusiness.org/code-of-conduct/.
Health and Safety
- We ensure that all employees have appropriate safety training and that any safety hazards are monitored, and appropriate policies and procedures maintained and updated.
- Each of our offices has emergency preparedness procedures tailored to its environment. Emergency training and drills are provided regularly.
- We ensure that our facilities are clean, safe, and comfortable for our employees.
Corporate Policies
Xperi’s Board of Directors adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and other policies that set out the core values and beliefs of Xperi and provide the basis for the company’s business conduct. Our guidelines for conducting Xperi’s business are consistent with the highest standards of business ethics, and we strive to make open and honest communications the expectation, not the exception.
The policies adopted by the Board of Directors can be found at: https://investor.xperi.com/governance/governance-documents/default.aspx, and include:
ESG Governance
Xperi has established a formal ESG Steering Committee that oversees the company ESG strategy, goals, and progress.
Amendments and More Information
Xperi regularly revisits and updates our ESG policy statement to ensure it evolves with industry norms, best practices, and regulations. For more information on Xperi’s commitment to ESG, please email ESG@xperi.com.
Kris Graves (Chair) Chief Human Resources Officer
Robert Andersen Chief Financial Officer |
Rebecca Marquez Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary |
Matt Milne Chief Revenue Officer |